
Photo by Tecnológico de Monterrey - tec.mx

Forestry and Natural Resources Projects

Tecnológico de Monterrey students interested in the program, please address any questions about the application process to Dr. Juan José Cabrera Lazarini at jcabrera@tec.mx.

AI Applications in Global Forest Ecology

Faculty Name: Jingjing Liang

E-Mail: jjliang@purdue.edu

Project Term: Fall 2024 and/or Spring 2025

Project Description:

Forest Advanced Computing and Artificial Intelligence (FACAI) Laboratory- We go beyond conventional forest research.

FACAI employs the paradigm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompassing different state-of-the-art machine learning and statistical methods to study global, regional, and local forest resource management and biodiversity conservation.
FACAI focuses on path-defining research that has a positive impact on local people, firms, communities, and ecosystems.
FACAI is the founding and supporting team of Science-i, a transparent and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) web platform for international research collaboration.
FACAI's research findings are published on international journals Science, Nature, and PNAS.
FACAI is a Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative (GFBI) continental center of research, education, and public outreach for North America, a strong advocate for international collaboration.


B.S. in forestry, ecology, modeling, computer science, statistics, or related fields.

Preference is given to those who have strong quantitative skills and/or research experience with AI.