
Photo by Tecnológico de Monterrey - tec.mx

Hospitality and Tourism Management Projects

Tecnológico de Monterrey students interested in the program, please address any questions about the application process to Dr. Juan José Cabrera Lazarini at jcabrera@tec.mx.

Rural Tourism and Quality of Life

Faculty Name: Liping Cai

E-Mail: liping@purdue.edu

Project Term: Fall 2024 and/or Spring 2025

Project Description:

The project aims at investigating how rural communities can effectively improve the quality of life for the residents and visitors through developing tourism. The undergraduate students who participate in the project are expected to conduct literature review on rural tourism, rural development, and quality of life in academic journals as well as from trade and public sources such newspapers of local communities and social media.


Undergraduate students in their third-year of BA or BS program who have taken a research-related course and who have scored B+ or higher grade in English-writing course.