
Photo by Tecnológico de Monterrey - tec.mx

Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics

Tecnológico de Monterrey students interested in the program, please address any questions about the application process to Dr. Juan José Cabrera Lazarini at jcabrera@tec.mx.

Pharmaceutical 3D Printing

Faculty Name: Rodolfo Pinal

E-Mail: rpinal@purdue.edu

Project Term: Fall 2024

Project Description:

SCOPE OF PROJECT: Developing prototypes of oral dosage forms using 3D printing technology, specifically the binder jetting method. The project involves creatively repurposing a commercial inkjet printer to dispense liquid binder onto powder beds. The formulation and testing of the liquid binder, based on specific performance attributes, will be integral to the research experience, which includes:

• First-hand involvement in pharmaceutical product design.
• Theoretical and practical understanding of pharmaceutical materials science
• Insight into advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing processes

IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH: This project is fundamental to the production of novel pharmaceutical products that push the boundaries of traditional manufacturing methods. The aim is to achieve product performance attributes that surpass those offered by conventional manufacturing techniques, in a robust and cost-effective manner.

STUDENT’S CONTRIBUTION: The student will not only gain valuable practical skills but will also contribute to creating novel prototypes that meet stringent pharmaceutical standards, suitable for subsequent industrial manufacturing. The student will have the opportunity to apply their creativity and technical skills in adapting off-the-shelf printers to create next-generation pharmaceutical prototypes. Furthermore, the student will be engaged in designing the composition of pharmaceutically acceptable binders, working under the guidance of a doctoral student with extensive experience in the field of pharmaceutical formulation and product performance attributes.


A student in chemical or mechanical engineering, or a related discipline, interested in research aimed at redefining pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. Specifically, by combining three personal characteristics: (1) the motivation to put their engineering training into practice, (2) an interest in learning about pharmaceutical materials and product design, and (3) an inclination toward tinkering with off-the-shelf equipment, such as inkjet printers, and adapting them to print (build) pharmaceutical prototypes.